Where Painting Meets Poetry


Watching at an art piece, evocations can be infinite, some are reaching our consciousness, some are stirring our emotions.
Art pieces allows to travel through time and distances. They can bridge physical and immaterial world. If any of this really exis.
after having met people, artist or not. At a certain point in the meeting a art piece was also present and I wanted to give by writing some texts. After having found a common bond…

I propose here a reproduction of the art piece and the texts resulting of those meetings. They have been inspired and influenced by the junction of :
The subject of the art piece
The artist intentions
The person who choose the art piece intentions
My emotions and perceptions.

I hope you will enjoy those few electronic dots assembled on your screen and pursuing the experience by sharing your impressions.


Should you want to share with me this experience here are few possibilities:
Provides me with your impressions via e-mail.
Send this web link to your friends.
Collaborate with me as an artist by proposing me one of your painting to write a text on.
Collaborate with me by proposing me a art piece you want me to work on.
Any other suggestions you may have.

© SIMOIL 2008